
Goolgumbla – the home of the naturally bred merino.

With a heritage spanning more than 110 years, our family-owned stud is recognised as one of the leading producers of good value, commercial flock merino rams in our class.

Generations of managers, classers, jackaroos and shearers have all helped to make Goolgumbla what it is today. Building on this proud legacy, the Rollinson family has expanded the operations during the past 20 years while remaining true to the property's integrity and founding values.


'Goolgumbla' is all about good breeding, history and heart.


Bruce Rollinson

Property Manager and Stud Master

We run a mixed operation of stud and commercial livestock, dryland cropping and irrigation and aim to breed and produce animals, meat and wool to meet the demands of today’s consumers.

Driven by his enduring loyalty to the land, Property Manager and Stud Master, Bruce Rollinson, is committed to sustainable farm management and animal welfare.

Under his stewardship, Goolgumbla produces free growing, long-stapled, highly fertile merino sheep. We cut on average 7.5 kg of wool per head with a fibre diameter of 21 micron.

Our buyers return year after year, knowing they will be offered a reliable selection of both stud and commercial sheep.

Clients have recorded excellent fertility rates and many have topped Blue-Ribbon sales after introducing the Goolgumbla bloodline into their flocks.


“Having sourced rams from the stud all of my life, I can confidently vouch for Goolgumbla's first-rate bloodline.”

Alister McCoy ‘Ohio’ Holbrook

Australia may not ride on the sheep's back anymore, but out here in the Riverina, the merino is still revered and respected as much today, as it was 70 years ago.

While the emphasis on breeding large-framed sheep for meat has grown in recent years, it is still the excellent standard of merino wool that continues to prevail - internationally recognised as the best in the world.

And, with our own history spanning more than 100 years, Goolgumbla is proud to count itself among those who continue to contribute to the ongoing refinement and improvement of merino bloodlines in Australia.

Our Stud

Our consistent quality and trueness of type has stood the test of time.

Goolgumbla was the 42nd merino stud to be registered in Australia and Pure Peppin bloodlines were introduced to the flock prior to the 1950s.

Situated in the dry grazing plains of the Riverina, our stock are hardy and survive well in tough conditions. We run 7,000 stud ewes and over 1,000 rams – recognised for their good fertility, large frames and soft, quality wool.

Manager Bruce Rollinson and Stud Classer, Chris Bowman, use a visual valuation process to assess stock. This appraisal is supported by objective measurement and delivers consistently superior results.

“Goolgumbla started breeding more meaty, dual purpose, free growing bright wool sheep about 20 years ago – and they were way ahead of the curve.”

Chris Bowman, Commercial Stud Classer


Our Property

Building on our proud history and decades of experience, Goolgumbla was reinvigorated 20 years ago. Our objective was clear: to build upon the property's heritage and introduce practical mechanisms to support our successful sheep breeding program.

As a result, Goolgumbla has evolved into an amalgam of stud and commercial operations, supported by extensive cropping.

15 kilometres of watered laneways, expansive silos and a digitally programmed irrigation system have been constructed. As well as supporting our sheep stud, the infrastructure enables us to breed and run Shorthorn cattle, which produce excellent carcass weights and are well suited to our region.

The development of Goolgumbla has been undertaken with animal welfare in mind and our Riverina based property is now a diverse and self-sustaining operation.

Bruce Rollinson

Goolgumbla's Manager


“Our business comes through word of mouth and we are dedicated to building long term relationships.”

Bruce Rollinson

"I only like to deal with good, fair people who do things properly - and that is how I would describe Bruce Rollinson."
Graham Golder, 'Kegra' Temora

Our Community

Loyalty, hard work and family values lay at the heart of the Goolgumbla community.

With the Rollinson family at its core, decades of successful farm management and prize-winning breeding have made the property what it is today.  Led by Manager Bruce Rollinson, Goolgumbla has been extensively developed and improved to support the property's stud operations.

Stud Classer Chris Bowman is central to our stud management and he has been capably advising Goolgumbla for more than a decade with consistent results.

Our clients have come to rely on Goolgumbla's high quality selection and their loyalty drives us to continue improving. They know that a handshake closes a deal and our word is our bond. And, most importantly, buyers remark on the positive impact that the Goolgumbla bloodline has on their weaning rates, wool production and sales figures.

“The Rollinson family is to be commended for their contribution and commitment to the sheep industry."

Nick McKinglay, “Moulamein”


  • Brucellosis Accredited Free Flock

  • MN3 Status for National Johne Disease Program

  • Declared Footrot Free
